We are excited to offer a number of educational programs again in 2023. Check them out here!
Our Activities Committee has been busy developing and organizing meaningful activities for our varied membership. Below is what they have in the plans so far.
Western/Dressage Clinic with Jeanne Montelius-Gaudreau at Shadowland Sport Horses, Sandpoint, ID April 29-30.
Supplying Horses & Riders for Bonner County Horse Judging Contest, May 6, Bonner County Fairgrounds
Showmanship/Halter Clinic (Youth fundraiser) = May 13
Region 5 Endurance Ride = Priest River, ID, September 9-10, Independent club volunteering
Youth Belt Buckle Program continues. 2 Buckles awarded - 1 EEAHC Youth members, One non member, deadline for applications, September 15, click here for more information.
FALL CLASSIC VALUE SHOW = We are co-hosting the show with Pacific Rim Arabian Horse Club in Moses Lake, WA
Michael Damianos Clinic = September 30 - October 1.
Trail Class Practices, at Tibbs Arabians, August through October. We'll be coming up with the specific dates and times soon.
Horsemanship/Showmanship/Ranch Practices, at Hayden Arena, May through October, alternating evenings with Trail Class Practices.
Pop-Up Trail Rides, throughout the year. Check out the message board on the Trail Riding page often for rides and getting partners lined up.
‼️Coming This Fall‼️
2023 Dressage/Western Dressage Clinic
Some images from the Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club Western Dressage/Dressage Clinic held April 29-30 at Shadowland Sport Horses in Sandpoint, ID. We had a wonderful turnout and witnessed horses and riders make enormous improvements in each session. Riders also had the opportunity to ride tests with instruction on how to make the best marks possible for horse/rider combinations. Thank you to our wonderful instructor Jeanne Montelius-Gaudreau and all of the participants at the 2023 event. Special thank yous to Roxane Conrad for the use of her beautiful facility and Angela Turnbaugh for setting up the wonderful lunches for all.
Kari Daarstad Saccomanno
Thank you Barbara! Fun weekend with lots of learning. My brain is exhausted!
Linda Davidson
Jeanne Montelius-Gaudreau
Thank you I had so much fun! Great group of people to work with! I loved seeing everyone's progress!
Beautiful rides…your facility looks amazing!
Sandy Hughes-Rose
Wish I could have watched!
It was a Great clinic!! I know Eddy and I had some significant progress. Thank you Jodi Bockstruck Johnson for your help! The videos are helping.
Awesome photos and weekend!
Roxane Conrad
Oh, And a super group of People!!!!! Thank you Laurie, Barbera, and Kevin for always being so organized and tidy!!!
Roxane Conrad we soooo appreciate you letting us use your beautiful facility!!! And I am glad I got to see your pretty mare work.
Riders for Bonner/Kootenai County Judging Contests
Despite the steady rain, Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club members supplied some of the horses and riders for the Bonner County and Kootenai County 4-Hs program at the Bonner County Fairgrounds in Sandpoint, ID. Horses and riders were provided in Showmanship, Ranch Riding and and English Pleasure classes.
Marla Haller
Donna Parnell
You ladies are the best!!!!!! Thank you!!!!
Laurie Tibbs
Donna, glad to do it. Thanks for making sure the arena was worked, opening up the cattle barn, and providing refreshments for horse handlers.
Donna Parnell
Laurie, you bet!!!!!
Laurie Tibbs
Donna, I want to thank you for continuing to organize this judging contest every year for our area youth. I think this is one of the most important skills that anyone interested in any area of owning horses should know. I wish more leaders and parents would require their kids to take part in learning to judge as it helps them to be able to pick quality horses that have the ability to better perform in any event they choose to participate in.
Donna Parnell
Laurie, I really believe it is the most important event!! I will be trying to get more kids to this event with hopefully the help of the other horse leaders!!
Sally Grant
Thank you for doing that, Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club. I think some Kootenai County kids were competing there too.
2023 Showmanship/Halter Clinic
Laurie Tibbs
What an impressive group to work with. They came armed with great questions and specific skills to work on.
Thank you Barbara Tibbs and Laurie Tibbs for once again generously sharing your time and knowledge.
Laurie Tibbs
You really nailed that first pattern.
Thank you Laurie Tibbs and Barbara Tibbs for the great clinic! We learned a lot and enjoyed our time with you!
Jennifer We're glad you made it up. Loved the participation by you and Allie. Your questions helped to add to the learning experience. We hope you had a smooth trip home.
We were glad to get to know you and Allie better. She did a great job with Dusty! Thanks for coming up!
The Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club sponsored their spring Showmanship/Halter Clinic at Tibbs Arabians on Saturday, May 13. Proceeds from the clinic went to the EEAHC youth programs. Participants learned the basics of a good grooming regimen as well as a detailed clipping demonstration before setting off to the arena to learn the basic handling skills necessary for a successful showmanship performance. Participants honed their skills in leading, halting, foot placement, pivoting, backing, use of the quarter system, and executing a showmanship pattern. Despite the extra warm weather all participants were first rate showman when they completed the day. Thank you to all who participated!
Check out images from some of our 2022 activities and member accomplishments in the videos below.
Monday Night Trail Class Schooling
Monday nights from mid-August until weather or waning interest dictate an end, the EEAHC hosts trail class schooling classes from 6:00 p.m. free to all EEAHC members and $5.00 equipment fee for all others. Participants work each session on the fundamentals of trail course work. English, western, or in-hand participants welcome. Open to all breeds.
Listen to AHA interview with US National Photographer Howard Schatzberg of Howie Schatzberg photography.