🏆AHA 2025 Virtual Online Hippology Contest🏆
See how well you know your equine facts. Must be a current AHA member to compete and awards will be provided to champion and reserve champion in each division.
10 & Under - 20 multiple choice questions, 1 station, 1 judging class🏆
11-14 - 30 multiple choice questions, 2 stations, 1 judging class🏆
15-18 - 40 multiple choice, 2 stations, 2 judging classes🏆
19 & Over - 50 multiple choice, 2 stations, 2 judging classes🏆
Contest will run February 10th - 17th.
🐎Click Here for some Hippology practices. 🐎
What is hippology?
Hippology coming from the Greek word ‘Hippo’ meaning Horse and ‘ology’ as in the study of is an opportunity to combine equine sciences, management and husbandry with horse judging and public speaking in a friendly competitive atmosphere. The practices and contests encourage leadership and sportsmanship while expanding their horse knowledge and skills which they can apply to the horse industry.
Contestants at the local level are held in the winter and encourage all participants to attend to get an understanding of the competition which includes different phases competing as individuals. After scoring Intermediate and Senior level teams are created to compete at the state or regional level. All contestants are entered as individuals and can compete as a team with up to 4 members. The winning senior team at the state/regional level can become representatives at the U.S. Arabian and Half-Arabian Nationals in Tulsa, OK.
Contests include an Exam, ID stations, Team problem solving, an Individual Impromptu demonstration or presentation and Horse Judging.
For more information on the national AHA Hippology program click here.
Watch complete results above! Way to go Team!
EEAHC Hippology Team takes National Championship in Judging phase of the 2020 AHA National Hippology Contest held November 7, 2020.
Lindsay Kuster placed 3rd individual with CayliJo Giard placing 5th.
April 6-12, 2020
Virtual Hippology Test Contest
Looking for something related equestrian competitions to keep you occupied during these crazy days of social distancing. The Arabian Horse Association is sponsoring a competition that WILL NOT be cancelled because of COVID-19. It is open to all ages and will be held between April 6 - 12. The entry is FREE and awards will be given to Champion and Reserve in lots of age groups.
Entry Link Will Be Avaliable at https://www.arabianhorses.org/youth/ April 6 - 12
REFERENCE MATERIAL: All of the information covered in this contest may be found in one or more of the following publications:
Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, New Horizons Equine Education Center, Inc.
The Coloring Atlas of Horse Anatomy Dr. Robert Kainer and Dr. Thomas McCraken
AYHC Horse Industry Handbook – by the American Youth Horse Council http://www.ayhc.com/
Horse Smarts – by the American Youth Horse Council http://www.ayhc.com/
US Equestrian Rule Book 2018 – AR Arabian, Half-Arabian and Anglo-Arabian Division https://www.usef.org/…/GsE_juyI…/ar-arabian-half-arabian-and