Nation's Top Judge in 2020 belongs to the Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club
Sophia Huffman joins former EEAHC youth members Samantha Bell, and Merisa Turnbaugh as the Nations's Top Youth Judge. Sophie out judged the nation's top 4-H/FFA, Collegiate, and Junior AHA youth judges to bring home the 2020 National Championship in this year's Arabian Horse Association's National Arabian and Half-Arabian Horse Judging Contest. Because this year's COVID-19 pandemic, the AHA elected to hold their prestigious contest entirely online. This virtual contest was the perfect venue for this group of novice judges to test the national judging scene.
For her efforts Sophie won a $500 scholarship to the school of her choice, a $750 scholarship the the Arabian Horse Associations Judge's School, and a National Championship Jacket sponsored by The Hat Lady. She and the rest of the team consisting of Hannah Huffman, Lindsay Kuster, and CayliJo Giard also earned beautiful Montana Silversmith belt buckles for earning Reserve National Champion AHA Overall Youth Judging Team in addition to a myriad of beautiful National Top Ten ribbons.
The Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club 2020 youth judging team spent months practicing judging classes and giving oral reasons in our virtual online classroom. The girls prepared and filmed several sets of oral reasons in preparation for the National Contest. Their persistence and determination paid off in earning numerous national awards.
Judging Training Opportunity
With the uncertainty of the situations in the horse world with the current Covid-19 pandemic, here are some upcoming webinars focusing on horse judging.
Just click on the image to the left to be taken to the left to access the Middle Tennessee Extension site.
Check the dates on the image and the webinars will be run at 11:00 a.m. PST.
For preparing for Nationals in October, all but the gaited horse session on April 14 should be particularly helpful.
Be sure to be prepared to take notes.
Decades of success in the national arena in youth judging.
The Emerald Empire Junior Arabian Horse Club has enjoyed many wins in the National Youth Arabian Youth Judging Contest since the mid-1980s including multitudes of team and individual top tens and two National Champion individuals. Samantha Bell took top honors in 1990 and Merisa Turnbaugh was victorious in 2006.
Individuals serving on the competition teams spend months practicing placing classes and developing and presenting oral reasons before competing at Nationals.
So how do I become a member of the Emerald Empire AHC youth judging team? Click here.
Each year the EEAHC holds tryouts for positions on the competition team. We also have a number of practices throughout the year and participate in local, county, state, and regional competitions. Check back later for more information and dates for the next team(s).
Members of the 2020 Youth Horse Judging Team. Payton B., Lindsay K., Sophia H., and Hannah H.