The Emerald Empire AHC strives to provide a wide variety of equine educational opportunities and resources for our membership and horse community. During Covid many of those in person learning opportunities are being put on hold. That being said a whole new virtual world is opening up. We have tried to gather on this page a number of the virtual educational presentations that visitors can view at their leisure and in the comfort of their own homes.
Dr. Jenni Grimmett and Dr. Celeste Grace
Round one of our series of Fireside Chats with SAVE Veterinary Service. This was aired on Facebook on 2/1/22. This year they plan to cover metabolic diseases in horses (primarily Cushing's Disease and Equine Metabolic Syndrome), prepurchase exams and lameness evaluations in horses. We will add links to those "chats" as they become available.
Dr. Jenni Grimmett and Dr. Celeste Grace
Round three of our series of Fireside Chats with SAVE Veterinary Service. This was aired on Facebook on 2/16/21. We have all heard the phrase, “ No Hoof, No Horse.” And it is so apt. We will be discussing some of the common diseases of the hoof and how your farrier and veterinarian should function as a team to keep your horse sound and working at their best.
Dr. Jenni Grimmett and Dr. Celeste Grace
Round two of our series of Fireside Chats with SAVE Veterinary Service. We promise to go live on the correct page this time! This was aired on Facebook on 2/9/21 Our topic is Geriatric Horses. The challenges of managing the aging equine.
Anyone who missed the McKinlay & Peters Equine Education Day can still view their informative presentation by clicking on the video link to the left.
All About Colic
with Dr. Jenni Grimmett and Dr. Celeste Grace
An informal fireside chat with Drs Grimmett and Grace as they walk you through the challenges of colic in horses. This dreaded condition is at the top of most horse owner's nightmares and it is one of the most common maladies seen in mobile practice.
Click on the image to the left to open an new tab and watch the Facebook Live Feed presentation held 2/2/2021.
How to evaluate your horse's body condition.
Equine health topics
Farrier work
Tack and equipment
Arabian History
Horse Safety
Judging and evaluation
Disciplines of Showing
Travel and Hauling
Vet Care
Trail Riding
Dressage/Sport Horse
and More