Emerald Empire Meeting Minutes
This page houses the Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club's, Inc. meeting minutes and president's agendas. Scroll down the page for older documents.
February 11, 2025 Meeting Minutes

February 11, 2025 Meeting Agenda

December 7, 2024 Meeting Minutes

December, 2024 Meeting Agenda

November, 2024 Meeting Minutes

November, 2024 Meeting Agenda

August, 2024 Meeting Minutes

August, 2024 Meeting Agenda
June, 2024 Meeting Minutes

June 24, 2024 Meeting Agenda
April, 2024 Meeting Minutes

April 2024 Meeting Agenda
March 9, 2024 Meeting Minutes

March 9, 2024 Meeting Agenda
December 3, 2023 Meeting Minutes

November 27, 2023 BOD Notes
August, 2023 Meeting Minutes

June, 2023 Meeting Minutes

June 6, 2023 Meeting Agenda

March 28, 2023 Zoom Meeting Agenda
March 28, 2023 Zoom Meeting Minutes

March 2023 Email Meeting
March20, 2023 Activities Committee Notes

December 4, 2022 Meeting Minutes
February 15, 2023 Activities Committee Notes

August 2, 2022 Meeting Minutes
December 4, 2022 Meeting Agenda

May22, 2022 Meeting Minutes
August 2, 2022 Meeting Agenda

May 22, 2022 Meeting Agenda

Beautiful setting for our May meeting at Farragut State Park.

April 9, 2022 Meeting Agenda

Thank you Denise for supplying the hamburger and Kevin for barbecuing for us. Great spread provided by all members who attended!
March 16, 2022 Zoom Meeting Minutes
March 16, 2022Meeting Agenda

December 8, 2021 BOD Meeting Minutes

August 16, 2021 Meeting Minutes
July 27, 2021 Meeting Minutes

July 27, 2021 Meeting Agenda
April 10, 2021 Meeting Minutes

March 16, 2021 Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2021 Meeting Agenda

February 16, 2021 Minutes
March 16, 2021 Meeting Agenda

April, 2020 - December, 2020 Collective Minutes

January 12, 2021 Minutes

March 7, 2020 Meeting Minutes (Click to drop down)
DATE: Saturday, March 7, 2020
TIME: 1:50 PM
LOCATION: MacKenzie River Pizza, CDA
Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club MINUTES
MINUTE TAKER: Roxzene Bockstruck
TYPE OF MEETING: General Meeting
TIMEKEEPER: Roxzene Bockstruck
FACILITATOR: Barbara Tibbs
Barbara Tibbs, Laurie Tibbs, Denise Cummings, Roxzene Bockstruck, Jodi Johnson, Kirsten Thompson, Bob Brannan, Hailey Johnson, Laura Laumatia, Sigrid Brannan, Kevin Brown
Agenda Agenda was reviewed and accepted
PRESENTED BY: Laurie Tibbs
Motion to approve agenda was made by Sigrid Brannan. Second by Barbara Tibbs
Financial Report presented by: Laurie Tibbs
Report was presented and approved.
Old Business
Club Status
Barbara Tibbs reported AHA has approved our club. EEAHC will be listed as an affiliate club on the AHA website soon. Interested members can then use the website to join as well as current members to update. Barbara will be sending a list of our activities and projects to Region 5 for their newsletter.
Both AHA and Region 5 have approved.
Barbara Tibbs gave an informative demonstration of the website. She encourages members to submit any horse related photos to her to add to the website as well as any suggestions for the website.
Promotional Goals for the year 2020
Booth at the Bonner County Fair – Laurie Tibbs reported a deposit of $20 has been made.
North Idaho Fair – Roxzene Bockstruck reported she has not heard back from the North Idaho Fair Open show committee. She will continue to reach out to them.
Arabian Horse Month, May – Barbara Tibbs reported to use the website she would like our members to supply her with favorite horse related books, book reports, movies, personal pictures and stories for daily features. She is requesting members can start submitting now. Laurie Tibbs suggested we look into the Bonner County Pre-Fair held in May, where we can have a live “Meet the Arabian Horse” exhibit. Laurie will make contact and report back.
Club/Arabian Promotion
Banner Display: Barbara Tibbs reported Jessica Simons is waiting for a quote from her supplier. Barbara also reported Vista Print also has popup banner displays. She will bring more information to next meeting.
T-Shirts: No report. Denise will check out.
Trail Rides
Kaniksu Land Trust Trails – Laurie Tibbs reported Gail Curless received word from the Kaniksu Land Trust Trails, they have okayed the horse trail and will be setting up future workdays.
Future Trail rides, if anyone wants to plan one or is going on one. Send you information to Laurie Tibbs.
Clinics and Seminars
Working Western Clinic with Deb Witty is being sponsored by the IEAHC club, April 4 & 5 at the Spokane Equestrian Center. Contact IEAHC for more information.
Western Dressage sponsored by EEAHC with Barbara and Laurie Tibbs, April 18 & 19 at Tibbs Arabians. Proceeds to go to EEAHC. The following format presented: Members 1 day private $45.00; 2 days private $75.00; 1-day group $35.00 each; 2-day group $65.00 each; Audit $10.00. Non-Members 1 day private $65.00; 2 days private $95.00; 1-day group $55.00 each; 2-day group $85.00 each; Audit $15.00. Format reviewed and approved.
A second western dressage clinic with Jeanne Montelius-Goodreau is being researched. Laurie Tibbs will report with more information at the next meeting.
Showmanship: Busy Bee is holding a showmanship clinic in March, 2020. For possible future clinics Denise Cummings will contact LaRae Powell; Laurie Tibbs will contact Jennifer Kuster.
Trail Obstacles-Kevin Brown has completed and delivered the gates and 30 poles. THANK YOU, Kevin for this wonderful donation. A painting day is set for April 4th, starting at 10:00 with a barbecue lunch.
IEAHC May shows: sponsorships and volunteers still needed. Laurie is gathering a list of our members willing to volunteer, she will pass on to Joan Pollack.
Insurance: Denise has had no response to her calls; she will continue to make contact. Barbara Tibbs will contact Markel.
Region 5 Mini Convention- no report.
New Business:
Bonner County 4-H judging contest, May 2, Boner County Fairgrounds are looking for volunteers for their classes. Roxzene Bockstruck, Barbara Tibbs and Laurie Tibbs will bring their horses. Anyone else interested contact Laurie Tibbs.
Youth: Barbara Tibbs reported they will begin to hold their meetings soon.
Next meeting is April 4, 2020 at 10:00am, Sandpoint, Tibbs Arabians.
This will be also be the painting day and barbecue/potluck.
A motion was made by Sigrid Brannan and second by Bob Brannan to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 4:02pm
Respectfully Submitted:
Roxzene Bockstruck 3/8/2020
March 7, 2020 Meeting Agenda (Click to drop down)
March 7, 2020 Welcome to
The Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club February Meeting
Start Date: March 7, 2020
Start Time: 1:30
Location: MacKenzie River Pizza CDA
Room: Conference Room
Last Meeting – February 8, 2020
Next Meeting
Welcome and Introductions
Call to Order and Roll Call
Approval of Agenda
Review and Approval of Minutes (Secretary Roxzene Bockstruck)
Financial Reports (Treasurer Maryann Boseth)
Open Issues (Old Business)
Club Status – Barbara Tibbs
Website http://www.eeahc.org
Barbara Tibbs
Promotional Goals for the year:
Booth at the Bonner County Fair – Barbara and Laurie Tibbs
May Arabian Horse Month
Daily Featured horse book, movie, or horse on Website
Trail Rides
Kaniksu Land Trust Trails – update Gail Curless
Farragut State Park
Wyman Wildlife Preserve
Priest River Experimental Forrest
St. Judes
Peewee Creek
Working Western – IEAHC sponsored clinic with Deb Witty April 4 & 5 Spokane Equestrian Center $100/day IEAHC members $150/day nonmembers
Western Dressage – EEAHC sponsored Clinic with Barbara and Laurie Tibbs at Tibbs Arabians proceeds to go to EEAHC
SAVE Performance Horse Health and Wellness Seminar February 29, 2020
Bylaws -Sarah Mitchell, Maryann Boseth
Membership/Hospitality -Denise Cummings, Barbara Tibbs, Roxzene Bockstruck
Promotion -Denise Cummings, Barbara Tibbs, Laurie Tibbs
Community Outreach -Denise Cummings, Laurie Tibbs
Youth – Barbara Tibbs, Jodi Bockstruck
Education/Programs – Roxzene Bockstruck
Activities – Denise Cummings, Barbara Tibbs
Ways and Means – Roxzene Bockstruck, Laurie Tibbs
Inland Empire Arabian Horse Show May
Trail poles and obstacles painting day
Volunteers to help with trail, Sport Horse, and Western Dressage
Insurance – Denise Cummings, Barbara Tibbs
Region 5 Mini Convention
Saturday, August 29 Spokane
New Business
Next Meeting
Adjournment: Time:
February 8 Meeting Minutes (Click to drop down)
DATE: Saturday, February 8, 2020
TIME: 2:17 PM
LOCATION: East Bonner County Library
Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club MINUTES
MINUTE TAKER: Roxzene Bockstruck
TYPE OF MEETING: General Meeting
TIMEKEEPER: Roxzene Bockstruck
FACILITATOR: Barbara Tibbs
ATTENDEES PRESENT: Barbara Tibbs, Laurie Tibbs, Denise Cummings, Maryann Boseth, Roxzene Bockstruck, Marianne Love, Angela Turnbaugh, Jessica Simon, Angie Szotkaisli, Tacy Cook, Jenay Turnbaugh, Merisa Turnbaugh, Sig Brannan, Bob Brannan, Gail Curless
Agenda was reviewed and accepted
PRESENTED BY: Laurie Tibbs
Motion to approve agenda was made by Maryann Boseth. Second by Jessica Simon
Financial Report
PRESENTED BY: Treasure, Maryann Boseth
Report was presented and approved
New Business
Club Status
Barbara Tibbs reported our club is pending AHA approval until the Board of Directors meeting to be held March 6,2020. Region 5 has approved our club
No report at this time
Because the internet service was down at the library, Barbara Tibbs was unable to give live demonstration and review, but the site can be accessed at www.eeahc.org.
Promotional Goals for the year 2020
Booth at the Bonner County Fair – Laurie Tibbs reported the Fair will be held 8/19/2020 – 8/22/2020. Booth price is $75.00. After discussion a motion was made by Denise Cummings and seconded by Merisa Turnbaugh to have a booth at the Bonner County Fair. Motion was passed.
Booth at the North Idaho Fair – Roxzene Bockstruck reported she spoke to Alexia Jordan. The spring fair will not be held this year, the fall fair minimum booth price is $350 and no guarantee of where it would be placed. She suggested we look into a display, sponsorship or advertising at their open horse show. She will bring our interest to their committee and will get back to Roxzene.
Booth at the Interstate Fair – Denise Cummings reported the booths are approximately $1000.00+. It was discussed and agreed it was too expensive to pursue.
Booth at the Spokane 4-H Tack Swap (March 14,2020) – Denise Cummings reported booth price was $80.00. Motion was made by Merisa Turnbaugh and seconded by Denise Cummings to forgo due to the fact that most people go to tack swaps for tack and not promotional booths.
Arabian Horse Month, May – Barbara Tibbs reported to use the website she requests that our members supply her with favorite horse related books, movies, personal pictures and stories for daily features. She will have a mock up to present at our next meeting. Barbara will investigate setting up a booth at the IEAHC May show. A motion was made by Jessica Simons and seconded by Barbara Tibbs to build a popup/back ground for promotional purposes. Motion passed. Jessica will bring more information to next meeting. Jenay Turnbaugh will bring back information on T-Shirts for Arabian Horse promotion.
Trail Rides
Kaniksu Land Trust Trails – Gail Curless reported the horse trail is not ready. She requested a letter of interest and support from out club she can take to their next meeting (2/14/2020). A motion was made by Jessica Simon and seconded by Denise Cummings to have Barbara Tibbs and Maryann Love write the letter. Barbara will get letter to Gail.
St. Judes Ride is held at Western Pleasure. Dates forthcoming.
Equicashing. More research and information forthcoming.
Clinics and Seminars – Laurie Tibbs suggested if there is a clinic that anyone is interested in bringing your proposal to the next meeting.
A motion was made by Jessica Simons and seconded by Angela Turnbaugh to have Barbara and Laurie Tibbs present a clinic on Western Dressage to be held late April or early May held at their facility, with a second clinic, different presenter to be held later in the summer. Motion passed
New Business:
A donation of a trail gate and poles has been made by Kevin Brown. A donation of a trail bridge has been made by Steve Bockstruck. A day to paint the obstacles will be determined at the next meeting.
The Inland Empire Arabian Horse Show is May 21 -25. Volunteers are needed to help with Trail, Sport Horse and Western Dressage classes. Volunteers needed are for setting up, scribes and runners. Sponsorships are needed, contact Barbara Tibbs for information. A motion was made and seconded for our club to do a Bronze sponsorship $150.00. Motion passed. It was suggested that in exchange for the use of Emerald Empire trail obstacles and dressage court that we be allowed to hang our banner at the show.
Insurance - Denise Cummings reported she is waiting on quotes. Barbara Tibbs has made contact and will bring information to the next meeting.
Region 5 Meeting – Denise Cummings attended. She reported there will be a Region 5 Mini Convention to be held in Spokane August 29, 2020. It was discussed our club needs more information before committing to how we would want to participate. The full report can be found on our website.
Next meeting is March 7, 2020 at 1:30 pm in the Coeur d”Alene MacKenzie River Pizza Banquet Room
A motion was made by Maryann Boseth and second by Merisa Turnbaugh to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 4:07pm
Respectfully Submitted:
(Signature & Date)
Roxzene Bockstruck 2/9/2020
February 8, 2020 Meeting Agenda (Click to drop down)
February 8, 2020 Welcome to the Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club February Meeting
Start Date: February 8, 2020
Start Time: 2:00
Location: East Bonner County Library
Room: Conference Room
Last Meeting – December 14, 2019
Next Meeting
Welcome and Introductions
Call to Order and Roll Call
Approval of Agenda
Review and Approval of Minutes (Secretary Roxzene Bockstruck)
Financial Reports (Treasurer Maryann Boseth)
Open Issues (Old Business)
Club Status – Barbara Tibbs
Region 5 (dues $25.00)
Elected Officers
President: Laurie Tibbs
Vice President: Denise Cummings
Secretary: Roxzene Bockstruck
Treasurer: Maryann Boseth
Reporter/Historian/Editor: Barbara Tibbs
Delegate: Denise Cummings
Board Member: Barbara Tibbs
Board Member: Sarah Mitchell
Board Member: Kevin Brown
Website http://www.eeahc.org
Barbara Tibbs
Promotional Goals for the year:
Booth at the Bonner County Fair – Barbara and Laurie Tibbs
Kootenai County Fair – Roxzene Bockstruck
Spokane Interstate Fair – Dennise Cummings
Spokane 4-H tack swap – Dennise Cummings
Arabian Horse Association Pop-up Booth
May Arabian Horse Month
Daily Featured horse book, movie, or horse on Website
Trail Rides
Kaniksu Land Trust Trails
Farragut State Park
Wyman Wildlife Preserve
Priest River Experimental Forrest
St. Judes
Peewee Creek
Working Western
Western Dressage
Preparation and Hauling – Brand Inspection, Shots, Worming, Coggins
McKinlay and Peters Equine February 1, 2020
SAVE Performance Horse Health and Wellness Seminar February 29, 2020
Bylaws -Sarah Mitchell, Maryann Boseth
Membership/Hospitality -Denise Cummings, Barbara Tibbs, Roxzene Bockstruck
Promotion - Denise Cummings, Barbara Tibbs, Laurie Tibbs
Community Outreach -Denise Cummings, Laurie Tibbs
Youth – Barbara Tibbs, Jodi Bockstruck
Education/Programs – Roxzene Bockstruck
Activities – Denise Cummings, Barbara Tibbs
Ways and Means – Roxzene Bockstruck, Laurie Tibbs
Inland Empire Arabian Horse Show May
Trail poles and obstacles painting day
Volunteers to help with trail, Sport Horse, and Western Dressage
Insurance – Denise Cummings, Barbara Tibbs
Region 5 Meeting –Denise Cummings
Region 5 Mini Convention
Saturday, August 29 Spokane
Next Meeting
Adjournment: Time:
January 11, 2020 Meeting Agenda (Click to drop down) Meeting Cancelled
January 11, 2020 Welcome to
The Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club January Meeting
Start Date: January 11, 2020
Start Time: 1:00 p.m.
Location: East Bonner County Library
Room: Conference Room B
Last Meeting – December 14, 2019
Next Meeting –
Welcome and Introductions
Call to Order and Roll Call
Approval of Agenda
Review and Approval of Minutes (Secretary Roxzene Bockstruck)
Financial Reports (Treasurer Maryann Boseth)
Open Issues (Old Business)
Club Status – Barbara Tibbs
Elected Officers
President: Laurie Tibbs
Vice President: Denise Cummings
Secretary: Roxzene Bockstruck
Treasurer: Maryann Boseth
Reporter/Historian/Editor: Barbara Tibbs
Delegate: Denise Cummings
Board Member: Barbara Tibbs
Board Member: Sarah Mitchell
Board Member: Kevin Brown
Website http://www.eeahc.org
Barbara Tibbs
Promotional Goals for the year:
Booth at the Bonner County Fair – Barbara and Laurie Tibbs
Kootenai County Fair – Roxzene Bockstruck
Spokane Interstate Fair – Denise Cummings
Spokane 4-H tack swap – Denise Cummings
Arabian Horse Association Pop-up Booth
May Arabian Horse Month
Daily Featured horse book, movie, or horse on Website
Trail Rides
Kaniksu Land Trust Trails
Farragut State Park
Wyman Wildlife Preserve
Priest River Experimental Forrest
St. Jude’s
Peewee Creek
o Working Western
o Trail
o Western Dressage
o English
o Showmanship
o Preparation and Hauling – Brand Inspection, Shots, Worming, Coggins
Bylaws -Sarah Mitchell, Maryann Boseth
Membership/Hospitality -Denise Cummings, Barbara Tibbs, Roxzene Bockstruck
Promotion -Denise Cummings, Barbara Tibbs, Laurie Tibbs
Community Outreach -Denise Cummings, Laurie Tibbs
Youth – Barbara Tibbs, Jodi Bockstruck
Education/Programs – Roxzene Bockstruck
Activities – Denise Cummings, Barbara Tibbs
Ways and Means – Roxzene Bockstruck, Laurie Tibbs
Inland Empire Arabian Horse Show May
Trail poles and obstacles painting day
Volunteers to help with trail, Sport Horse, and Western Dressage
Insurance – Denise Cummings, Barbara Tibbs
Next Meeting
Adjournment: Time:
December 14, 2019 Meeting Minutes (Click to drop down)
Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club MINUTES
DATE: Saturday, December 14, 2019
TIME: 1:19 PM
LOCATION: East Bonner County Library
MINUTE TAKER: Roxzene Bockstruck
TYPE OF MEETING: Reorganization
TIMEKEEPER: Roxzene Bockstruck
FACILITATOR: Barbara Tibbs
ATTENDEES PRESENT: Barbara Tibbs, Laurie Tibbs, Denise Cummings, Maryann Boseth, Kevin Brown, Marianne Love , Jodi Johnson, Hailey Johnson, Eileen Kellner, Treva Eismann, Sarah Mitchell, Angela Parsons-Sedarling, Marisa Turnbbaugh, Nancy Wright
Agenda was reviewed and accepted
PRESENTED BY: Laurie Tibbs
Motion to approve agenda was made by Maryann Boseth. Second by Sarah Mitchell
Financial Report
PRESENTED BY: Maryann Boseth
Report: Treasurer’s report read and approved.
New Business
Bylaws to be reviewed by board members.
Election of officers
President: Laurie Tibbs
Vice President: Denise Cummings
Secretary: Roxzene Bockstruck
Treasurer: Maryann Boseth
Reporter/Historian/Editor: Barbara Tibbs
Delegate: Denise Cummings
Board Member: Barbara Tibbs
Board Member: Sarah Mitchell
Board Member: Kevin Brown
Barbara Tibbs moved to approve the list of officers and board member. Sarah Mitchell second the motion. Motion was passed.
Barbara Tibbs gave an informative presentation of the new website and it’s functions
Promotional Goals for the year 2020
Booth at the Bonner County Fair – Barbara and Laurie Tibbs to research
Booth at the North Idaho Fair – Roxzene Bockstruck to research
Booth at the Interstate Fair – Denise Cummings to research
Booth at the Spokane 4-H Tack Swap (March 14,2020) – Denise Cummings to research
Arabian Horse Month, May – Use the website for daily features such as book, horses,
Movies, etc.
Trail Rides
Kaniksu Land Trust Trails – Laurie Tibbs to follow up.
Wymann, Farragut State Park
Bylaws – Sarah Mitchell, Maryann Boseth
Membership/Hospitality – Roxzene Bockstruck, Denise Cummings, Barbara Tibbs
Promotion – Denise Cummings, Barbara Tibbs, Laurie Tibbs
Community Outreach – Denise Cummings, Barbara Tibbs
Youth – Jodi Johnson, Barbara Tibbs, Laurie Tibbs
Education/Programs – Roxzene Bockstruck, Barbara Tibbs
Activities – Denise Cummings, Barbara Tibbs, Laurie Tibbs
Ways and Means – Roxzene Bockstruck
Clinics and Seminars
Several suggestions were made for follow up
Next meeting is January 11, 2020 at 1:00 pm in the East Bonner County Library Conference Room
A motion was made by Sarah Mitchell and second by Jodi Johnson to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 2:39 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
(Signature & Date)
Roxzene Bockstruck 12/15/19
December 14 Meeting Agenda (Click to drop down)
MEETING AGENDA (December 14, 2019)
Welcome to the Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club December reorganization meeting.
Start Date: December 14, 2019
Start Time: 1:00 p.m.
Location: East Bonner County Library, Sandpoint, ID
Room: Conference Room B
Last Meeting - None
Next Meeting: TBD
Welcome and Introductions
Call to Order and Roll Call
Approval of Agenda
Review and Approval of Minutes (we have none)
Financial Reports
Open Issues (Old Business)(we have none)
New Business
Election of Officers
President: Laurie Tibbs
Vice President: Denise Cummings
Secretary: Roxzene Bockstruck
Treasurer: Maryann Boseth
Reporter/Historian/Editor: Barbara Tibbs
Delegate: Denise Cummings
Board Member: Barbara Tibbs
Board Member: Monty Collison
Board Member: Kevin Brown
Website www.eeahc.org
Barbara Tibbs
Promotional Goals for the year:
Booth at the Bonner County Fair
Kootenai County Fair
Spokane Interstate Fair
Spokane 4-H tack swap
May Arabian Horse Month
Daily Featured horse book, movie, or horse on Website
Trail Rides
Kaniksu Land Trust Trails
Community Outreach
Ways and Means
Next Meeting
Adjournment: Time: