We are excited to offer a number of educational programs in 2022. Check them out here!
We just finished up with our Introduction to Judging Contests free to all youth and adults April 9th at Tibbs Arabians. Check below for more information as each event is finalized. Here's what we have on the docket so far for 2022.
An Introduction to Horse Judging Contests (Free) April 9 10:00-2:00, Tibbs Arabians, Sandpoint, ID (See Below)
Dressage/Western Dressage Clinic with Jeanne Montelius-Gaudreau April 22-24, Shadowland Sport Horses, Sandpoint, ID (See Below)
Supplying Horses & Riders for Bonner County Horse Judging Contest, May 14, Bonner County Fairgrounds
May EEAHC General Meeting, potluck, & trail ride, Farragut State Park, May 22, 2p.m. meeting, Athol, ID (More details to come, see April Minutes)
AHA "Meet an Arabian Horse" Bonner County Fair, August (more information to come)
Deadline for EEAHC Youth Belt Buckle Award Applications, September 15, click here for more information.
Trail Class Practices, at Tibbs Arabians, Mid-August through October, Monday Evenings at 6:00 p.m. and Tuesday Mornings at 10:00 a.m.
Photo Shoot, October 1 & 2 at Tibbs Arabians
Fall Trail Class Schooling Show, October 22 at Tibbs Arabians in Sandpoint, ID.
Check out images from some of our 2022 activities and member accomplishments in the videos below.
Fall Trail Class Schooling Show Slated for October 22, 2022
With the popularity of our weekly trail class practices, we are offering riders a chance to compete in Trail Classes at various levels. This is a schooling show, so formal show attire is optional, but long pants and boots are required. Exhibitors can use safe schooling gear. English or Western. We intend this to be a fun event and offer three themed categories: Pretty In Pink (cancer awareness month), Spooktacular (Halloween), and Let's Get Ranchy (Ranch Trail Theme). In addition, we want to support our local Food Bank, so we ask that everyone bring non perishable food items.
Each horse and exhibitor combination can only show in the same category all day long. (ex. If you show in hand in “Pretty in Pink” you must show in hand all day long.)
Check below for the entry forms and we will soon have a pattern book available for download. Pre-entries close on October 19.

Photo Shoot with Your Horse
The Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club photo shoot was a great success. Participants had an opportunity to get photos taken of them with their equine partners before they got all hairy. Participants signed up for appointments between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on October 1 & 2. The event was held at Tibbs Arabians in Sandpoint,ID. Below is a slide show of some of the awesome subjects that were photographed over the weekend.
Monday Night Trail Class Schooling
Monday nights from mid-August until weather or waning interest dictate an end, the EEAHC hosts trail class schooling classes from 6:00 p.m. free to all EEAHC members and $5.00 equipment fee for all others. Participants work each session on the fundamentals of trail course work. English, western, or in-hand participants welcome. Open to all breeds.
What a wonderful opportunity for everyone. Wished I was closer. – Jeanne
You inspired us to set up an obstacle day where we had things in the arena for people to use. It was a lot of fun. Prepping for Barbara coming over. – Jeanne
Have so much fun! – Sigrid
Have fun tonight everyone!! – Denise
Wow. A great course!!! – Roxzene
Jealous!!!!! – Jennifer
Thank you for a really fun evening. –Angela
This is such a wonderful opportunity for everyone! – Jeanne
Looks like a fun Monday! – Cindy
Thank you Barbara Tibbs for all of the information and pointers. These horses all left looking like the were ready to hit the show ring trail! – Laurie
CayliJo enjoyed getting to know Chrome and getting more horse knowledge in her pocket! – Deanna
So sad I missed it! It was a late day at work! Hope to make it there next time! Looks like you ladies had fun! – Miranda
I hope to make it next time! – Vicki
I will work the ground crew. – Roxzene
I will be there to help. – Denise
I am so appreciative of all the work you all put into doing this. This was just what Billy and i needed to get going again. – Angela
What fun! – Sigrid
Great night...thank you, so glad I came! – Debbie
Debbie we are glad you came also. Your mare is fantastic and she gives you many options as to which direction she can go and be a star. – Laurie
Bonner County Fair Booth: Red, White, & Bloom
EEACH members brought the Arabian Horse presence to the Bonner County Fair in Sandpoint, Idaho. During the four day exhibit, fair attendees were introduced to members horses through a continuously running slide presentation, photos displayed through the booth and numerous informational handouts about the Arabian Horse.
Club Members Provide Classes for Bonner County 4-H Judging Contest
EEAHC Members provided riders for ranch riding, western equitation, showmanship, and half-Arabian geldings. The EEAHC has consistently providing area 4-H'ers with quality representative of the Arabian breeds at county contests.
Great Weekend of Learning
Dressage/Western Dressage Clinic
We finished up a wonderful educational experience with talented clinician Jeanne Montelius-Gaudreau over this past weekend. The Dressage/Western Dressage clinic sponsored by the Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club (EEAHC) was held at Shadowland Sport Horses in Sandpoint, ID over the weekend of April 22-24. The clinic kicked off with an informative hands on introduction to terms associated with the Dressage disciplines for clinic participants and auditors on Friday evening with pizza provided by the EEAHC. Saturday and Sunday were packed with individual and group lessons. It was amazing to see such engagement and advancement by all who attended. Jeanne's clear and easy to understand instruction made for huge improvements in all of the riders and horses who attended. A huge thank you to Jeanne Montelius-Gaudreau, Roxane Conrad at Shadowland Sport Horses, and all of those who participated in this terrific event. Thank you to the Emerald Empire AHC for continuing to sponsor such high caliber learning experiences!
"This weekend, Macky and I did a dressage clinic. Best thing we’ve ever done! Not only did we learn so much…but, the exercises have the two of us working as a team!
Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club puts on one heck of a clinic. Nothing was left to chance. Everything was carefully choreographed, from the site, down to the lunches. The choice of clinician was perfect.
The clinician, Jeanne Montelius-Gaudreau was straightforward and to the point. Always with a smile on her face and a smile in her voice. For each rider she worked with you towards your individual test goals. Made for a fantastic learning experience.
I came away with specific exercises to do in order to achieve my goals. Macky was quite responsive which made for fun rides. We are looking forward to what is next!
Many thanks to Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club, to Jeanne Montelius-Gaudreau, and to Shadowland Sport Horse!!" -Tacy
"So much fun!!"-Denise
"Jeanne Montelius-Gaudreau is an amazing instructor. I feel really lucky to call her my dressage teacher."-Anne Ward
"Jeanne Montelius-Gaudreau was very thorough in her explanations and her instructions were clear and easy to follow and made huge and instant improvements in the way our horses performed. We also really appreciate Roxane Conrad at Shadowland Sport Horses for the use of her beautiful facility. It was a great way to spend a weekend."-Laurie Tibbs
Made for a very fun and informative weekend!! Thanks for making it happen!-Tacy
"Sounds like such a great weekend."-Sandy Satre
"Great weekend! Thanks so much for offering the opportunity and having me. Very appreciative!"-Kari
"A wonderful weekend for both myself and Eddy. Truly looking forward to the next one."-Roxzene
"Fantastic!"-Mary Ann Nyberg
"Thank you all for the kind words, it was a very fun group to work with and see everyone's progress over the weekend."-Jeanne Montelius-Gaudreau
Introduction to Judging Clinic
We had a fantastic turn out at the Introduction to Horse Judging Contests Seminar this past weekend. At big THANK YOU to all who attended and helped out with our event. Between 35-40 people attended the four hour event.
This was a great opportunity for those who were preparing for their 4-H judging contests! Barbara and Laurie Tibbs, both long time 4-H leaders and Arabian Youth Club leaders as well as former judging team members themselves, hosted and conducted the Judging Clinic. Both trained and coached numerous State and National Champion youth judges over the years.
They gave an overview of what judging contests involve, as well as a thorough demonstration on conformation judging, discussion of oral reasons, and ended with some practice halter classes.
Participation was free to all youth and adult horse enthusiasts.