Region 5 Meeting Minutes/Notes
Region 5 Meeting . . . . . 1/17/2021
The meeting was called to order at 1:03 pm by President Carrie Olson.
Roll was taken and a quorum was established with 16 delegates attending representing 8 clubs. Minutes from the last meeting were approved as amended and the Treasurers report was also approved.
Carrie Olson gave her President’s report which consisted of a recap of the Region 5 Championship show last summer, one of only a handful of shows put on at all with Covid going on. Hopefully 2021 will be better.
Goldie has arrived and is waiting his paint job. 4 NW artists have submitted designs the committee will vote on and he will then go to the artist studio and hopefully be done in late spring. His debut may be the IEAHC show Memorial Day Weekend. He may also be on display at the Shriners Hospital for Children in Spokane until more of a plan is made and detailed.
The Equifest Mini Convention slated for the East Side has been postponed until 2022.
AHA is looking to fill some committee seats on their Local Level Task Force. Please see the email blast for more information and the application.
It is time to establish a budget for 2021 so we went over the budget line items in a general fashion noting what has been spent in 2019 and 2020 and left it till the end of the meeting, the intent was to add anything else subsequently left out before voting on it.
Vice President’s Report was given by Richard Galarza. They are still working on the Region’s 501 ( c ) (3) status. Covid closures, and misinformation plagued them getting in a final application, and now the fact that the organization already had a different 501 status has gotten in the way. Richard has a meeting next week with an attorney that he thinks has figured a path forward. It was brought up to post pone this again till offices get back to normal, but the delegates want this to be done and finished, so they will press on and were told to do so not worrying about cost.
Region 5 Show: Joan reported that she has hired the Judges and Steward. The dates are July 6-10, 2021 at Monroe WA.
Region 5 Sport Horse Show: Richard reported that he was still finalizing the Judges and Steward. The dates are June 30 to July 3 also at Monroe, WA. Officials for both shows will be updated and listed on the Region 5 website shortly.
Cascade Youth Show: Richard reported that they have judges hired, but now the facility is demanding masks be warn full time even when showing and exhibitors are saying they will not attend, so they are waiting to see if that rule stays to move forward. This show is held at the Tacoma Unit in Spanaway, WA
Regional Trail Ride: No report
Sporthorse: No report
Futurities: Classes will be held at the Region 5 Championships Show
Scholarship: The committee has put together a program, but there are a couple of IRS questions that need to be answered before going forward. They were given to Richard for his meeting with the attorney next week.
2020 AHA Convention wrap up discussion: It was agreed upon by all that the virtual convention was well done and improved committee meeting attendance. Plus it afforded the regular membership a glimpse in of the workings of a convention.
Youth: Michelle Pease Paulsen gave a report on the Youth and what they have planned for 2021. They are doing an “are you OK?” check in on each other for the Covid pandemic to thwart suicide this is in cooperation with AHA. They are planning a couple of fund raisers one of which will be a booth selling Region 5 branded wear at some of the shows. They are also planning a series of Speakers that will be on the 1st Sunday of each month starting with February.
February- Sheri Odom on Showmanship and new score sheet
March- Deb Witty on the new Ranch classes
April- Pete Rasmussen on Halter
May-Dr King (topic tba)
June-Stan Morey Judges and Stewards
July ------NONE------
Aug-Joan and Joyce Hunt for the Roses (Hunt Seat Eq)
Sept-Tague Johnson Breeding
Oct-Dr. DePolo Chiropractic
Nov- Kathy Callahan Smith - Horsemanship
Watch the Region 5 website for the complete updated list. They may even do email blasts and a PDF that can be sent out to clubs.
The individual clubs then did their reports, which were show updates or postponements pending how the spring progresses through the Covid closures.
Old business: The executive board met and decided to help out a young lady with a scholarship of $250.00 for expenses for Sport Horse Nationals.
New Business: Got back to the 2021 budget and moved to approve it with the amendments that were added/subtracted. It passed.
Next meeting will be Sept 2021.
Respectfully submitted,
Denise Cummings
EEAHC Delegate
Region 5 Convention Caucus Meeting . . . .11/19/20
This was to be a Region 5 meeting, but instead was an informal discussion on what we had heard at the AHA Convention.
13 Delegates attended: Denise Cummings, Julie Karnath, Darcy Bell, Connie Arnold, Ian Sage, Bonny Braden, Bob Callahan, Joan Shelton Palelek, Michelle Pease Paulson, Pat Hough, Carrie Olson, Kari Admunson, and Sandy Bourgeois.
Carrie announced that qualifications for 2021 have been dropped and that the BOD’s had submitted a proposal of qualifications to start with 2022. The new proposal has more to do with show participation than placings. This is to get people to support the smaller local shows. We were asked to discuss this proposal within our clubs and get any feedback to Carrie. We discussed the resolutions and the nominations for the positions up for election.
We also discussed the Arabian Horse Foundation and how you can help them out when you purchase on Amazon through the smile donation.
The USEF partnership was also discussed with most in attendance agreeing that AHA needs to part with USEF and find a new policing partner. Stan Morey of AHA has an appointment to speak with the new incoming President of USEF and hopefully this will produce some useful results.
It was pretty short and like I said very informal.
Respectively submitted,
Denise Cummings
Region 5 Meeting . . . . . 9/2/2020
Meeting was called to order by President Carrie Olson at 6:10 pm.
This meeting was our first “virtual” meeting because of Covid-19 and was held via Google Meets. EEAHC members in attendance Denise Cummings, Laurie Tibbs, Barbara Tibbs
Minutes were adopted and the Treasurer’s report was accepted.
Presidents Report: Carrie reported that the Youth National Championships and Midsummer Show was a resounding success.
Sport Horse National Championships are right around the corner and has more entries than ever before, 449 so far.
US Nationals is still on.
Distance National Championships had to be cancelled.
AHA has downsized their staff to 31 and has put their building up for sale to look for a smaller more efficient building. They have also cancelled all travel by employees and executives till further notice. This is all to save money as AHA is struggling with staying solvent.
There was a shoeing incident at the Youth/Midsummer show that has stoked much conversation on the shoeing rules and how the verbiage needs to be changed so we will likely see a resolution at Convention on this issue.
AHA’s Amnesty program has been a huge success, this program allows for older horses that for whatever reason were never registered to be registered for a reduced fee.
AHA Convention this year will be held virtually. AHA has hired a professional company to run it. The Region 5 board voted to pay for registration for official regional club delegates this year since no hotel or air fare will be needed. Delegates/clubs will purchase these up front then be reimbursed by the Region.
Along with mention of Convention, it is time to sign up for a committee if you want to be on one. Go to the AHA website to sign up. Resolutions for Convention will be out October 1st.
AHA has put out an “APP” for our breed, we are the only breed to have this so far.
Vice President's Report: Richard Galarza reported that they basically are waiting to next year to return to work on getting the Region changed from a C5 to C3. Also, the Bye Laws are staying as they are until then also. These have been stilled as a result of Covid -19 and will resume once offices and departments that deal with these changes are back to work.
Region 5 Show: Michelle Pease Paulsen reported the show was a success even with the limiting to 160 horses. The show will make a profit. With the circumstances as they were, with less turn out from some of the more accomplished, it opened opportunities for those newer to competitions of this level, especially youth. Many had some great performances and successes, and we hope to see them keep on coming to the Regional level. Michelle thanked her volunteers and her committee whom she says really stepped up in the adverse conditions.
Region 5 Sport Horse Show: Already working on next year. Dates not determined yet.
Cascade Youth Benefit: Also working on next year’s show.
Distance Riding: All rides have been cancelled so far along with the National Distance Ride.
Region 5 Trail Ride: No report
Region 5 High Point Awards: Michelle Pease Paulsen reported that there will be no banquet this year, but they will still do awards and will deliver them to the recipients.
Region 5 Youth: They have participated in group activities through Zoom meetings. Michelle is putting together some speakers for the kids, and they want to have Ranch Riding and Equitation clinics. The Region is not manning a judging team this year. The Youth did hold a fund raiser at the Regional Show called Chuck a Duck that was immensely popular.
Outreach Report:
Goldy is in its final phase of being finished up and will ship soon.
September is Meet an Arabian Horse Month, so hopefully all clubs will do something to get our wonderful horse out to the public even if it is just virtually.
AHA has revamped the Discovery Farm model go on their website to check it out.
The Region was also looking into a trade show display for promotion which is also tabled until next year.
Equifest: Postponed to 2021. Will be on the East side. The IEAHC and Half Arab Club are hosting.
Scholarship Committee: This a new committee that is looking for members to form and put together rules and the like. If you would like to be apart of the committee please let Carrie know.
New Business: Carrie announced that Michelle is stepping away from managing the Region 5 show for a year, and Joan Palelek was hired to manage the 2021 show.
Next meeting will be Nov. 19 at the Regional Caucus during Convention.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Denise Cummings, EEAHC Delegate.
Region 5 Meeting . . . . . 1/19/2020
REGION 5 MEETING 1/19/2020
Meeting called to order at 12:10 PM
Moved and seconded to approve November meeting minutes.
Bonny read and explained the Treasurer’s report. It was moved and seconded to approve the report.
Carrie Olson (Director):
At Convention the delegates polled there decided it was a good idea to buy a Goldie so they did. Today we need to actually vote on this. The Goldie is to help with promotion of our Arabian Horses and fund raising. It was moved and seconded to approve this for transparency reasons since it’s after the fact. Approved.
Also, at Convention Bob Callahan was appointed Parliamentarian and
Shannon Beddell was appointed Marketing Chair for Region 5.
The 2020 Budget was presented and there was immediate discussion leading to the decision to postpone it to the end of the meeting as some of the business needing done would directly affect the budget.
Shannon Bedell (Marketing):
Goldie update: The unpainted horse is about 6 weeks out to delivery. Once delivered the committee will decide on an artist and it will go there to be painted. The Committee is Joan Palelek, Shannon Bedell, Darcie Bell, Carol Rasmussen, Julie Poor and Leslie.
Last year Region 5 used the Pop-up booth displayer rented and shipped from AHA. Shannon thought if you did that more than once it would be too expensive, so she checked into having our own made. This way you could use your own graphics and change them out when you wanted, depending on where you were doing your booth. It is expensive but over several years would eventually pay for itself.
Youth (Michelle Pease-Paulson):
Had a great meeting yesterday (28 attendees) with a really good speaker. They developed a mentorship agenda for older more experienced youth to help the littles learn and gain confidence. If it’s a success they even want to go outside of the breed and help 4-H too. Michelle is wanting to do some educational pieces/lectures for the youth also.
Richard (Vice Director):
The Region was turned down on our 501c(3). It was turned down because we are already signed up as a 501c(5), which nobody knew. Now they have to go back and undo us as the latter and try again for the 501c(3). This get out of one and go into another is a longer process than the first one, but they have already gotten started.
Region 5 Show:
Schedule is up on the website for review and comment. This year we have added Performance Halter and an exhibition class of Ranch Rail getting ready for it to be added officially next year. Saturday night's performance this year will be formal (Tuxes).
Region 5 sport Horse:
Judges procured: Cara Widman and Joanna White. We need volunteers. Please get with Angie Miller to volunteer.
Cascade Youth Benefit:
All set. Judges: Carrie McClain, Allison Witt, Donna Longacre. We will also be having a fall one day show along with a clinic with Dolly Hamin in September.
Region 5 Futurities:
Chris from Orrion will be joining the committee.
The Region 5 Endurance Ride will be Crazy Days held at 9 Mile Falls WA September 5 and 6. Looking for volunteers on this also (Shelly) National Championship Ride in La Pine, OR this year Sept 25, 26, 27. They are also looking for volunteers (Susie). Please see the Region 5 website, and for more info.
Region 5 Trail Ride:
Still no suitable site has been found.
Region 5 Highpoint Awards Banquet:
Had a great turnout last night, raised $8000.00 for AHDF through the dessert dash. Next year we will be at the Emerald Queen Casino on Jan 23rd, 2021.
Region 5 Mini Convention:
The IEAHC and HACW announced they would like to host a Mini Convention in Eastern Washington in the Fall. No place set yet but the date will be 8/29/20. They have some good Speakers/Clinicians lined up including veterinarians, working western, shoeing with dinner and keynote speaker Stan Morey for that evening. Also looking at a Green Bluff tour and possible wine tasting.
Club Reports:
Daffodil: Spring show is set; Summer show will be a one day show in August at Tacoma Unit.
NW Heritage: Our show is the end of March will be a value show. Judge Lorne Robertson. To be Held in Monroe, WA.
Pacific Rim: Our show is April 4 and 5. Fall Classic is Sept. 11 and 12 with a clinic on the 13th.
Olympic Peninsula: Still working on our show more info to come. Our Youth award for 2020 went to Sophia Huffman. $500 to use any way she wants to.
Half Arab Club: Feb 8 is our Emergency Preparedness clinic at the Monroe Fairgrounds. June 4-7 is our Midsummer Show featuring 2 full days of Working western (Ranch, Trial and Reining). Judges Gretchen McDaniel and Jim Hitt.
IEAHC: We have a brand-new website. Our show Memorial Day Weekend will now have a 2-day Arabian Show, 2-day WSH show and a one day Western Dressage show. Arab show judges: Debra Johnson and Isaac Taylor, WSH judges Donna Longacre and Susan Meere, Sport Horse day Donna Longacre. April 4 and 5 we will be hosting a Deb Witty Ranch Riding Clinic.
Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club: We are just getting started but Grass roots promotion and outreach will be our focus. Once we are up and running (with the vote by AHA Directors in March) there will be more to report.
New Business: Glenn Petty announced his retirement at Convention. AHA has posted his job and are currently taking applications with the hopes this job will be filled by the end of June.
The budget was brought back up and with much discussion and changes it was moved and seconded to approve it. Next year all budget
Requests need to be turned in before December to be considered for Inclusion in the budget.
Meeting adjourned at 3:30 PM
Denise Cummings
Region 5 Meeting . . . . . 11/14/2019
Held at the AHA Convention in Tulsa, OK, this meeting of the Region 5 members was called to order at 7:26 p.m. at McNellie’s Public House. The reading of the minutes was amended by Michelle Pease-Paulson to include the announcement to dissolve by Ted Wenham of the Southeast Washington Arabian Horse Club. Motion was made and seconded.
Region 5 sponsors the Performance Futurity held at the Region 5 show. Right now, the funds for this futurity are mixed in with the general funds of the Region. Richard Galarza asked that theses funds be moved to their own account. He will get with Treasurer Bonny Braden to get this facilitated.
Our 501c3 has been submitted, it takes about three weeks to get the results back.
Michelle Pease-Paulson will be done with her service after this meeting and Carrie Olson will be director from then on out. With the new bylaws, we will be going to just two meetings a year, and electronic attendance will be optional. Different methods are being looked at to see which will work best.
Joan Palelek announced that a joint venture between the Half-Arabian Club of Washington and Carol Rasmussen and the Inland Empire Arabian Horse Club are looking into having an Equifest on the East side of the state. Details to be determined.
The Youth Co-Presidents spoke about their plans for the upcoming year. Their motto is “Character Strong” which is a platform to stop bullying and be kind and supportive of one another. Their fundraiser right now is Yankee Candles.
The next meeting of the Region 5 Board of Directors will be January 19, 2020. It will be a potluck meeting and start at 12:30 p.m.
Meeting adjourned.
~Denise Cummings, Delegate